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My Go-To SELFCARE tools


Life is so funny. I had so many ideas on how I wanted this series to go. I planned to post daily and give all I could to my audience. That hasn’t been the case. I should’ve known when self-doubt and discouragement tried to creep in that I was headed in the right direction with this. Go figure! Regardless, let’s continue. I want to share my self-care go-to‘s with you. They have helped me with grounding myself and calming my constant racing thoughts.


I was introduced to mindulness and meditation a few years ago. However, I really became more intrigued by it when the pandemic hit. I started using Calm , I downloaded the app on my phone. It was amazing and contains meditations, mindfulness talks, and even yoga. I searched other apps and found Simple Habit , this was my sweet spot. They offered a free premium subscription for several months and I have been hooked on it ever since. I use simple habit before work and whenever I need to focus my mind. Check them both out to see which suites your taste. Don’t want to pay anything? Try searching mindfulness on You Tube, that will help. These mindfulness apps also offer sounds to help you drift off to sleep. I have to have my rain noise every night.


I love to write. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love it. I have been writing stories since I was in 1st grade so you know I’m dedicated to it. Journaling as an adult instantly calms me. It helps me put everything emotion on paper. Have you ever gotten upset and wanted to call and give your offender a piece of your mind? How did you feel afterwards? Accomplished? Or like you put yourself in an even more crappy mood? Yes! We all want to assert ourselves and get our point across but sometimes people don’t deserve our energy. Whenever I feel this way I pick up my phone or my pen and go to my journal ( yes I have a digital one and paper one, it’s really real in these journaling streets for me) and I write the events of whatever I’m feeling. I even discover the things that I could’ve done differently in the situation. Why? Because I’m not always right, and by the time I’m done writing my whole mood has changed. Don’t get me wrong sometimes I choose violence and give them “ a piece of my mind” but trust me I feel much better when I just let them have it and say very little. It’s ok to communicate but shouting won’t solve anything. Try it, the next time you get worked up. Revisit the conversation when you both have calmed down so a solution can be reached. Protect your energy .


A quick Zumba class or hitting the weights and treadmill make me feel so positive and productive. We all know the many benefits of keeping our body moving. Get up and go for a short walk, get some uninterrupted sunlight and watch how your body responds. If you aren’t a fan of gyms, there are workout apps and Youtube workout videos available. Go for it!

Prayer/Bible Study

This is really the glue to everything. I am a firm believer in the Word of God and the power of prayer. The Lord is my firm foundation and my main go to for my safety. He give me rest in tough times. Start your day off with prayer. Save scriptures to your phone or as we love to say “ there’s an app for that!” Download your favorite Bible app and set reminders. Whomever you pray to , be consistent! This will be the catalyst that pushes your mind into positive overload. There are scriptures for every emotion you can think of. Don’t understand the King James Version? Search Message Bible apps or other translations. Add it to your routine today!

I can’t wait to hear about your SELF-CARE growth after adding these tools. You are worth all the energy you pour into others. Be well!

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